managing your online business

10 ways to continue managing your online business when you’re very busy!

If you are reading this article then definitely you are not been able to managing your online business and its obvious when your life starts to be full of commitments it’s difficult to manage many threads together.

Hope you all cooperate and do what you say, but they do what they want and your life works too: try to find out other ways to managing your online business even in difficult times.

Here we have collected of 10 ways to continue managing your online business even when you’re busy with commitments …

1# Make a decision

This is the first step to take, given that if you are undecided about what to do, you will send everything to the first problem that will arise.

After you have made a decision, it is not healthy to go back, take it back and change it thinking “maybe I should abandon it”: it is not really the case.

2# There is no excuse to escape

One thing is if you have exhausting shifts, but if the excuse is sick children at home or a bad email, then it does not hold.

Stop giving yourself permission to overlook posts on your blog because “something happened”.

3# Use the systems

Having a system to write a post, for newsletters, to manage social media and to respond to emails is a good thing.

Systems free space in your brain, letting you take other decisions freely and be more creative.

4# Use checklists for your systems

Do your brain a favor: use lists written for those activities that develop others and do daily.

You might feel it as something more to do, but believe me, it will take a lot of stress off when you’re tired or you have to face a difficult situation at a particular time in your life.

The lists will also make things easier when you have to delegate others.

5# Use a list of things to do written

It seems like I do not have a head, but the truth is that what you have is too much effort to remember all the things to do.

When you are too busy, you do not need to have other stressful thoughts in your head: the unwritten things to do will multiply, then creating unrealistic expectations that will tend to repeat themselves.

managing your online business

6# Try to determine particular days for the activities

Instead of feeling guilty every day for everything you are NOT doing, take days to focus on specific activities.

For example, set an X number of days per week for a certain segment of your business, then forget about it the days you do not have to.

I wrote “try to do it” because it will take more attempts to understand what works for you: it’s a way to simplify things and get out of the vicious circle of guilt.

7# Improve ten minute art

Spending ten minutes focusing on an activity will be much more productive than spending an hour on it, turning around and not getting a spider from the hole.

8# Use the tools on your phone

A smartphone and a tablet can help you stay active with your online business when you’re out or when you’re not just at your desk.

Personally I can manage a lot of work from my chair with an iPhone or a laptop.

9# Stay in touch with someone

Whether it’s a Facebook group or a business coach (and I highly recommend both), staying connected to the people who cheer for you is essential when things get bad.

When we need to move forward in these situations we are always either too hard on ourselves or too passive: it is here that the points of view and the truth of others is of fundamental importance.

10# Take some time

“Wait a minute, I’m too busy to take some time”, you would say.

Well, it’s not like we want to plan a day in Hawaii, so take care of your body and learn to read the signs, so you can take a break when you see your mind starts working too hard.

Change place, have a drink, read something funny and, if you work from home, do the washing machine or fill the dishwasher, they are still a good way to change the air.

You can listen to an audio training or play with your children and then go back to your desk and work fresher in mind.

Most of the time in the course of your life you will not spend it in a total order that will allow you to manage your online business as if you had nothing to do.

In fact, managing children, a pet and a business rarely follows an ordered path, no matter how good your plan is.

Let’s put the unrealistic case in which you are better at work when your life takes a slower pace: try to give your best always, as staying active when you’re busy is essential …

… otherwise it will not be long before you  no longer have an online business.

Take courage, set your goal well and managing your online business as if you were a shepherd in front of his sheep, because things will not go as you planned and it will be easy to fall into frustration.

Do some detours, but make sure you move towards your ultimate goal with these simple tips that I have exposed to you, reminding you that you will have to managing your online business as your life progresses.

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