Tips About Awesome Customer Service

Here are some tips to help you deliver world-class customer service. Positive attitude, empathetic approach and ‘Yes I Can’ ethos are some of the key ingredients to an awesome customer service. These will help you build positive word-of-mouth and ensure your business continues to prosper. Read on to learn how to offer world-class service and earn positive word-of-mouth. 

Positive attitude

A positive attitude is critical for providing good customer service. A customer service rep should strive to make every interaction with a customer a positive experience. This will help set the tone for future interactions with customers. It will also make customers feel good about themselves and want to do business with the same company again. Show genuine concern for the customer. People don’t like dealing with grumpy people; they want their problems resolved quickly. Any delay generates frustration and anger. If a customer sees you’re genuinely concerned, he or she will remember you for longer. Similarly, customers like people who are enthusiastic and positive. Try to convey this through language and tone of voice. People interpret emotional tone from multiple signals, so if you’re communicating over the internet, you should pick up the phone and be pleasant and interested in the customer.


As a tip for awesome customer service, empathy starts with the person who receives your message. By listening to the tone of voice, you will be able to pick up on the customer’s feelings and needs. You’ll be more likely to address any issue before it escalates. Identifying the customer’s emotions will help you understand the message behind their words and actions. Empathy is crucial in the customer service industry because one negative review on social media can cost a business 22% of its customers.

Lack of empathy breeds distrust. When customers are not able to trust a salesperson, they will start doubting his or her abilities. Showing empathy to customers will help you earn their trust and gain their confidence. Empathy means putting yourself in their shoes, understanding their feelings, and reflecting these feelings in your actions. Empathy is one of the most important thingfor awesome customer service. However, if you’re looking for an effective customer service tip, consider using empathy.

‘Yes I Can’ ethos

The ‘Yes I Can’ ethos for an awesome customer experience extends far beyond a simple answer. It’s about a culture that takes the good with the bad. The ‘Yes I Can’ philosophy will inspire employees throughout the company to embrace the ethos. Here are some ideas to implement the ‘Yes I Can’ culture in your customer service team. Read on for more information.

Approaching complaints with a ‘Yes I Can’ ethos

In a recent article, Jeanne Bliss describes the Customer Thermometer philosophy, a way to drive passionate and accountable action toward your customers. Bliss cites the experiences of Mazda, Microsoft, and Land’s End in her argument for how to approach complaints. At Who’s Your Gladys, Marylin Suttle and Lori Jo Vest offer another perspective on this philosophy.

Listening to customers

A fundamental part of good customer service is listening to your customers. This means more than answering the phone or service desk bell. It means taking the time to understand your customer’s goals and needs. The best customer service reps are good listeners, able to remember relevant details, and tuned in to their customers’ emotions. They also respond quickly and accurately, and help reduce friction in the service experience.

The value of listening to your customers can be enormous, as you’ll often uncover details about your business or product that you might not have known otherwise. You can even uncover unanticipated demand for new products or services. While listening to customers is not the same as beta-testing them, it’s a more effective way to keep your current customers satisfied than acquiring new ones. It’s not only good business sense, but it will help you appear empathetic and keep existing customers satisfied.

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