Avoid these common website mistakes

Just about anyone can build a website but it takes a higher level of expertise to build one that reflects a business brand and that provides the best user experience. The aim is for your website to be memorable for all the right reasons.

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Websites that are badly designed appear over-crowded and disjointed and it is not easy to find your way around them. This is the best way to make people click away from your website and onto that of your competitors.

According to experts at Missouri University of Science and Technology, it takes less than two-tenths of a second for visitors to form their first opinions about your business. Then it takes another 2.6 seconds to reinforce that first impression. So, you have a very short period of time within which to get it right.

Here are some of the most common website mistakes.

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Visually unattractive website

When looking for a website design company Gloucester businesses should choose one that can deliver an interface that is simple, well laid out and pleasing to the eye. Design experts such as https://www.net9design.com/ will ensure that you have a consistent appearance in terms of colours, fonts and styles. When a website is consistent, it is visually appealing and users are more likely to form a good first impression of your brand.

Websites that are hard to navigate

You may be able to find your way around your website easily but can everyone else? Get someone to check it out and to be honest with you about whether they were automatically directed through the sales funnel. Were barriers put in their way? Did they have to jump through too many hoops before they could complete a sale? Plenty of menus and submenus makes it easier to locate information on a website. The overall aim is for visitors to find what they are looking for as easily as possible.

Pop-ups interfering with navigating the site

Pop-ups are a controversial subject in web design. Many users find them annoying and distracting when they are trying to navigate a website. Yet some business owners find that they drive sales. The best plan is to limit where you use them and to use timed pop-ups that appear after a particular period of time. Anywhere between 30 and 60 seconds is ideal.

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