3 Common Knee Injuries in the Workplace
Your knees can take quite the beating. Think about how many steps, jogs or jumps you’ve taken over your lifetime. A knee injury can sideline you in many ways, so dealing with one requires swift diagnosis and action. When you feel like you did something to your knee while you were on the clock, you may be eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim. Familiarize yourself with some of the most common knee injuries you can sustain on the job.
1. Torn ACL
Did you start feeling pain in your knee after you heard and felt a pop? A torn ACL may be the culprit. This is a major ligament that supports the knee and injury occurs when people change direction quickly. Your job doesn’t have to be labor-intensive for this type of damage to occur. You can injure your ACL tripping over a piece of raised carpet. If you believe you have a case for a torn ACL workers comp settlement Portland OR, then you must visit a doctor.
2. Fractures
The knee is made up of a system of ligaments and bones, all of which work together to keep you stable and mobile. A fracture in one of the bones can drastically limit your daily activity and have you off your feet for a lengthy recovery. If you suffer a fall in which you come down on your knee, there is a chance that you cracked or shattered a bone in the process.
3. Tears in the Meniscus
Behind your knee, two bands of cartilage, known as the meniscus, offer support. When you tear this area of the knee, it was likely due to an activity. A meniscus tear doesn’t usually occur after prolonged sitting unless there is a degenerative issue. Feeling extreme pain behind the knee after walking up a flight of stairs points to a tear in the meniscus.
Regardless of how a knee injury happens, getting it checked out will help expedite recovery and get you back on your feet.