
5 Simple changes to increase the sales of your virtual store in 2018

The more virtual store evolves, the greater the presence of brands. And companies that seek to generate income through e-commerce. However, without the proper design, this can be an impossible task.

In recent years, thanks to the development of online commercial management technologies. E-commerce (electronic commerce) have begun to gain more and more followers, achieving amassing global sales with a value close to 2,300 billions of dollars, so only in the recently completed 2017.

Even so, there are still millions of online stores that do not know how their virtual store should be prepared to generate income through the internet, decreasing their effectiveness and compromising their sales. That’s why here we show you what are some of the simplest changes you can make in your virtual store to start 2018 on the right foot.

1. Show the client that you are a safe provider

With access to the internet that increases exponentially. The number of online stores and websites that are created daily is increasing. Which in turn means that the number of scams and pages with potentially harmful content appear more frequently.virtual

That is why users need to see that your virtual store has special distinctions that help them understand that it is safe to be there. These may include seals of security software development firms, press releases (their logos and reviews). And even testimonials from satisfied consumers. Not only that, it is also advisable to provide online support live. And answer to the most frequent questions (FAQ for its acronym in English).


2. Remove the image carousel

For several years, the image carousels have been used as a stylistic option for visitors to obtain small glimpses of what a store offers, be it merchandise and services, special offers, or even news content about the brand or the market. in which he plays. However, it seems that nobody (or almost nobody) really observes what is available in these.

This is confirmed by a recent study published some years ago by the consulting firm Nielsen Norman Group, explaining that most users feel irritated every time they “face” one of these carousels. This is due to the fact that each time a greater need for independence is generated in terms of time management. So each person develops a personalized rhythm to read each content. Keep reading opening pet store step by step.

3. Make your value proposition clear

Although it may seem an artistic and attractive decision, the creation of promotional images that are available within the virtual store with unclear messages, or that do not attack the needs of users directly, is one of the simplest methods of losing the possible buyers.virtual

According to Melinda Emerson, chosen by Forbes magazine as the most influential woman for entrepreneurs. A true value proposition must be clear, concise, explain exactly what your product or service solves, demonstrate a quantifiable value, and communicate in a direct with the possible buyer.

4. Create an irremovable search bar

One of the biggest problems that many users face (almost 30% according to the signature eConsultancy) when making a purchase on a website, is that they do not know if what they are looking for is in the catalog available to the brand or company. The solution to this is very easy: an irremovable search bar.

Although it is something very simple to solve. Many people do not understand the importance of a search bar that is available whenever the user needs it, which means that they do not eliminate them for style reasons. However, a store that lacks this precious tool, can be sure that their sales will not reach their full potential.

5. Optimize your virtual store

Finally, something that may seem obvious. But in many cases is not taken into account, is the proper optimization of the website. This not only refers to the inclusion of quality images. But little weight to ensure the smooth flow of the visit. But also the creation of a “friendly” site for mobile devices.virtual

Despite being the last on the list, the poor performance of a website is one of the main reasons why many people leave on a website or virtual store. Which translates into a number of losses that can exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.

Learning how to sell online is not easy. However, thanks to these simple changes in the design of your virtual store. You can ensure you get a much better performance than most of your competitors.

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