Do Your Drivers Know Who To Call For Service?
There’s a lot that’s unique about the trucking business, but there’s also a lot that’s common to other small businesses when you get to the root of things. Transportation businesses are service providers like any other, but their mobility and versatility makes risk management a little different in the trucking business. It’s not enough to have safety meetings, provide PPE, and enroll in robust insurance. You also need to be sure your drivers know what to do in the event of mechanical failure or accidents. When you have a solid plan, they can call a single point of contact to get the assistance they need to put your deliveries back on track.
Service for New York Businesses
Some mobile road services are national, and they bring price points that assume you’ll need wide coverage for long-distance drivers. Others are built to serve local or regional drivers. The key is matching to the right one for your business, one that provides mobile road service Farmingdale NY and wherever else your drivers wind up on behalf of your customers.
When you have a standing service agreement with a business that knows you count on them when the unexpected pops up in your way, you make an ally who knows your business will be loyal as long as they feel taken care of. That’s worth more than just the road service, because it provides your drivers with peace of mind while they work. That’s good for stress levels and morale, and it makes it easier to concentrate on the task at hand, and not just for them. You’ll be able to relax as well, knowing you have a contingency plan that covers your needs everywhere you send your drivers.
Additional Risk Management Resources
Just because you have unique needs, that doesn’t mean you only have unique needs. PPE safety meetings and other essential steps in your risk management and preparedness plan will need to be fleshed out as well, giving you a chance to integrate training about road service contacts into your other topics of conversation whenever safety conversations come up.