Finding clients

Finding clients: 6 tips for freelancers on how to present themselves

To finding clients it is important to effectively transmit their professional value. The correct presentation of your curriculum is therefore essential: 6 tips to do it at best.

When a freelancer wants to finding clients, he must first of all create a presentation of his own profile, as well as transmitting his skills, qualities and competences to the best of his ability, also to arouse trust and encourage the interlocutor to start collaborations lasting.

Here are 6 practical tips to follow to the letter to achieve the goal in a simple and immediate: a series of valuable suggestions whose primary purpose is to teach how to make sufficiently professional and convincing presentations to be shown to clients.

Finding clients

1 # Choose an effective title

Understanding how to find clients is certainly not a simple thing, but for sure to get good results you need to prepare a short, concise and eloquent presentation header. The only information to insert is …

  • The title containing the position held (Graphic Designer, Junior Programmer, etc.);
  • The years of experience;
  • Areas of expertise.

In this initial phase no other details are needed, because those already indicated are sufficient and move forward to have the referent determine if the profile in question is adequate or not to perform the required tasks.

2 # Add a professional photo

Given that, in order to acquire clients, it is necessary to transmit maximum trust and seriousness, we recommend adding a professional image with a white background, crisp colors and a friendly smile to your presentation.

If for some reason you do not want to appear personally in the photograph, you may prefer an avatar or something similar that identifies the service offered (for example the logo of a graphic or the drawing of an illustrator).

3 # Enter the qualifications and experiences

To finding clients taking advantage of the presentation of their profile, it is important to add to the same all the qualifications obtained and the experiences made at a professional level: explain perfectly what you can do, showing that you can better manage the proposed task.

In addition to the title with the position held, years of experience and areas of expertise, it is then also appropriate to include a specific section dedicated to everything related to their technical capabilities.

4 # Describe the details of academic training

If you have good academic credentials, it is important to add them to your presentation, so as to make the possible customer understand that, in addition to the experience gained in the field in the workplace, you also possess specific skills acquired during the training course.

A copywriter, for example, can indicate the eventual master’s degree in journalism followed after the university or the attendance of courses in foreign languages and creative writing seminars (these simple details make the referent well and push him to trust more of the person in question).

5 # Report contact information

Adding contact information (address, telephone number, e-mail, etc.) to your profile presentation, you can often finding clients interested in collaborating with local professionals.

It often happens that, above all, small and medium-sized enterprises sometimes need external resources available to go in when necessary: the fact that the collaborator lives near the company and can reach it at any time, increases the chances of having him get employed.

6 # Include your case history

In the event that a freelancer or freelancer has previously managed important projects for other companies, he must indicate the thing in his presentation to demonstrate to the client the work over time.

The ideal is to report first the most recent interventions, adding to each point as much information as possible (for example, specify the name of the client, the period of activity or other similar details).

Even feedback and testimonials from satisfied clients are used a lot, because they give a better idea of the actual professionalism shown during the individual collaborations (ask the representatives of the previous post on place and add it in the profile work).

As mentioned, finding clients is never at all simple, but following the 6 precious tips just provided, you can make a presentation persuasive, effective and convincing.

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