Hospitality apprenticeships are the hottest in demand
Apprenticeships in the hospitality industry are among the most numerous of current apprenticeships offered, with almost fourteen hundred advertised. It is likely that this number will increase as summer approaches and potential applicants conclude their exams and finish their school days.
While the immediate starting salaries on offer are poor compared to those for apprenticeships in other areas (for example, IT and engineering), a career in hospitality or catering has the potential to lead to many exciting opportunities. Some of the bigger names in hospitality, such as Marriott, offer competitive starting salaries, but these will be among some of the most popular in the business and in high demand.
Advantages of the hospitality sector
Hospitality has other advantages to compensate for the low starting salaries. It is a sector that gives opportunities for travel and allows workers to express a creative side.
Hospitality embraces a range of potential careers, and apprenticeships can lead to jobs in areas as diverse as reception, housekeeping, management, catering and bar work. Training is also available in design and maintenance of commercial catering equipment, leading to the development of skills which could be used both in the restaurant trade or in working for supply companies such as 247 Catering Supplies Hospitality training can lead to a plethora of possible jobs in a wide geographical area.
The vast majority of apprenticeships are based in the Greater London area. At present, there are 142 training schemes for future chefs in London, and 331 in the South East. Regions such as Wales and the North East, have far fewer opportunities, and this is an issue needing further discussion. Business owners and local government must consider spreading out these training opportunities across the UK if they want the regions to compete in the area of hospitality. Opportunities must be available countrywide if they are to attract the best candidates.
As university fees and living costs rise to startling heights, a university education looks set to become an almost unaffordable luxury. Many young people will not want to start out in life with a millstone of debt hanging around their necks. Apprenticeships are a cost-effective way of training on the job. They also produce skilled workers in areas where there is a shortage. They are a win-win solution, both for employees and businesses.